
Snow-coated stones hurled at Jerusalem residents

Several Arab youths are suspected of hurling stones covered with snow at a vehicle at Beit Hanina square in East Jerusalem Thursday, and of attempting to attack the car’s two Jewish passengers. The passengers sustained no injuries and managed to flee the scene, but the vehicle’s rear window was shattered by the rocks. They later filed a report with a local police station. Nearby in the capital’s French Hill neighborhood, snow covered stones were thrown at a 19-year-old woman who was playing with her younger siblings in a park. She was lightly injured but did not require emergency medical treatment. Police arrested three suspects in connection with the attack, Israel Radio reported. “It took me a few minutes to figure out what happened,” Five frosty flicks to keep you warm by the tube this winter season the young woman said, according to Maariv. “The [assailants] ran off and we called the police.” “Instead of going out to enjoy the snow I came back home in a bad mood. It’s scary. I do not want to go out alone,” she said. Earlier Thursday, the state prosecution filed an indictment with the Jerusalem District Court against seven minors, residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sur Baher, who were allegedly involved in a stone-throwing incident in late November. The suspects were accused of hurling rocks at a vehicle in which 2-year-old Avigail Ben Zion was traveling with her parents in Armon Hanatziv, a predominantly Jewish Jerusalem neighborhood just over the Green Line. The toddler sustained a moderate head wound as a result of the attack. Paramedics rushed her to Hadassah Hospital in Ein Kerem, where doctors said she was in stable condition. She was later released from the hospital and sent home, after doctors asserted she would make a full recovery. According to figures released by the Shin Bet security agency, November saw a 65% rise in terrorist attacks in Jerusalem compared to the previous month, Channel 10 reported. The security services documented 32 attacks in October, and 53 in November, of which 47 involved Molotov cocktails.

