
Online Tool Lets You Know If An App Is A Data Hog Before You Download It

Naloxone can block the effects of an opioid for roughly 90 minutes, Lavelle said. The effects of heroin often last up to four hours so addicts who use naloxone to ward off an overdose will still require medical attention, he said.Heroin abuse has surged in New Jersey since 2010, as young prescription pill addicts turned to the cheaper street drug after running low on funds for oxycodone and other substances. In Ocean County alone, 107 people have died of fatal drug overdoses this year, and the overwhelming majority of those deaths have been linked to heroin or opiates, Della Fave said.In 2012, the county saw just 53 fatal drug overdoses.The number of people admitted to treatment facilities in New Jersey in 2012 grew by 11.4 percent,NT/ISO ER Collet Chuck jumping from 22,757 to 25,356, records show.

While rehabilitation and drug enforcement are still critical to stemming the epidemic, prosecutors said the use of naloxone by police will be key to slowing the number of deaths in the meantime."The heroin is so pure here in New Jersey. An unsophisticated user is certainly very prone and vulnerable to overdose," Kearns said. "The fact is that it's so inexpensive and it's not controlled, it's a drug that every time a person uses it, it's like Russian roulette."Have you ever downloaded an app that didn't seem like it was going to chew up a ton of data only to later find out that it was devouring megabytes without you knowing? A wireless industry group has put together a website that measures data usage on the most popular iOS and Android apps sorry Windows phone users so consumers can know what to expect before they download.

KnowMyApp.org is the product of CTIA, the wireless industry group that we've never really associated with being consumer friendly. Regardless, the site does provide some helpful information on just how much of your data plan an app can chew up.The site currently features the top 50 paid and free apps for the two operating systems, but CTIA says it plans to add more as it continues testing the apps.For each app listed,Tool Holder Locking Device the site details what exactly was done with that app during the course of a single day, then extrapolates that data usage to estimate what regular use of that app would look like at the end of a month. It also shows what impact that monthly amount would have on various data allotments.

