
HHS launches Spanish enrollment tool

The enrollment tools for the Affordable Care Act's Spanish language site are now available as part of a "soft launch" this weekend.The site's launch was originally scheduled to occur in October, but was delayed as the Department of Health and Human Services focused on the problems with HealthCare."This weekend, we will soft launch the consumer-friendly Spanish online enrollment tool CuidadoDeSalud.gov. We think it's important to work closely with key stakeholders in this effort and get their feedback to improve the experience. Shortly after and into January, we will ramp up our promotional efforts to drive Spanish speakers to CuidadoDeSalud.gov," HHS spokeswoman Joanne Peters said.

HHS officials say they've learned a lot as a result of the changes to the main site and want to make sure that CuidadoDeSalud.gov benefits from the hardware and software fixes that HealthCare.gov is going through.The officials say this soft launch will provide the chance to receive detailed feedback from key stakeholders on the Spanish-speaking consumer experience.HHS officials say in collaboration with state, community, and media partners, a more robust push to drive Spanish-speaking consumers to the website and to enroll at CuidadoDeSalud.gov will occur in January.HHS is working with such community organizations for that push, including la Raza, the League of United Latin American Citizens, the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, the National Hispanic Medical Association, Voto Latino, and Día de la Mujer Latina in Texas and Florida.

Philip Kosloski said his interest in Pope John Paul II's visit to Portage County in 1976 came during his own pursuit of the Catholic priesthood.Kosloski ultimately didn't follow that path, but his interest in the late pontiff, who will be canonized as a saint in the Catholic Church in April, is leading him to write a book "The Other Polish Cardinal: Karol Wojtyla's Visit to Wisconsin."Kosloski, now the director of Adult Formation and Sacred Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Wisconsin Rapids, will spend the next year researching then writing the 100-page book, and is looking to self-publish the book sometime in 2015. Kosloski said he is looking to raise about $8,000 to publish 500 copies in the initial printing.

