
Kidney Stones Causes And Symptoms

Kidney stones often occur when urine becomes too concentrated. This causes calcium oxalate or other chemicals in your urine to form crystals on the inner surfaces of your kidneys. Over time these crystals may combine to form a small, hard mass. Sometimes this mass (stone) breaks off and passes into the ureter, one of the two thin tubes that carry urine from your kidneys to your bladder. Decorate Your Home With Natural Stones Read more on Home Remedies for Kidney Stones and Kidney Stone Treatment and also visit on Natural Herbal Remedies About 80 percent of stones are a combination of calcium and oxalate (oxalic acid), a substance found in many fruits, vegetables and grains. Most other stones are composed of uric acid, ammonia crystals. What are the symptoms of kidney stones? Some people may not have any symptoms, but most have at least some, such as:Severe pain in the kidneys or lower abdomen, which may move to the groin; pain may last for minutes or hours, followed by periods of relief. Nausea and vomiting Burning and frequent urge to urinate Fever, chills and weakness Cloudy or foul-smelling urine 6. Blood in the urine Blocked flow of urine. Home Remedies for Kidney stones 1. Prepare a horse gram soup with two tablespoons of horse gram. Drink a cup of this soup with one tablespoon of pomegranate seeds, grounded into a fine paste; acts as an effective cure. Both sour and sweet pomegranates can be used for this purpose.Juice extracted from radish leaves is very beneficial. Drinking this juice two times on a daily basis is a tried and tested natural home remedy.Eating two or three apples a day is one of the simplest natural home remedies for Kidney Stones.The combination of tomato, pepper and salt is another healthy and natural cure. Drink a glass of fresh tomato juice mixed with pinch of salt and pepper first thing in the morning.Add 25 grams of Parsley Piert in approximately 600 ml of boiling water. This is one of the few natural home remedies that originated in ancient times and are still being followed.

