
Home Remedies For Kidney Stones Effective Natural Treatment

Deposits of organic or mineral substances that form in the kidneys are known as kidney stones. It is also known as renal calculi. These stones can vary in size. These stones when present in the kidney do not cause any problem but once these stones get lodged in the ureter, then these stones can really cause a problem. These stones can cause pain and disturb the metabolism of the body. Hone Remedies There are several home remedies for kidney stones which are simple to follow and less complicated when applied in our daily routine. Some of the popular home remedies are: 1. One of the simplest and effective home remedies for kidney stones is to drink lots of water. It helps in keeping kidney stones under control. You can even try drinking fruit juice which is also equally beneficial. 2. Watermelon is also one of the best home remedies for kidney stones. Among all fruits it is known to have highest water concentration. It is rich in potassium salts and is considered to be one of the best and safest diuretics. 3. Vitamin A helps in preventing formation of stones in the body and strengthens the urinary system. Therefore make it a daily habit of consuming foods rich in vitamin A. Now strain the mixture and let it cool down. Add little salt and sugar to it. Drink this solution two to three times daily. 5. Basil leaves are also effective in curing stones. All you need to do is take four to five leaves of basil and extract their juice. Add this juice to a tablespoon of honey and mix them properly. Daily take this mixture every morning for the next four to six months. This is one of the effective natural home remedies for kidney stones. 6. We all are familiar with coconut water. Drinking coconut water on regular basis helps in breaking up the stones as a result of which it becomes easier for them to pass out in urine.Take two cups of horse grams and one cup of pomegranate seeds. Make a soup out of them. Consuming this soup is also very helpful in treating kidney stones.Drink a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice (two oz) followed with a large glass of water. This home remedy can help the stones to pass out of the body within twenty four hours.Daily consume a glass of orange juice. It will prevent formation of kidney stones.Try to avoid foods like tomato, cucumber, cabbage, asparagus, meat, cauliflower, spinach and radish. Do not consume carbonated beverages and alcohol.

