
It is dangerous not just for us

"As part of their management plan, they will continue their preparation under the guidance national coaching staff in Brisbane over the coming days."The Vienna-based IAEA's decade-long investigation into alleged past nuclear-weapons work has underpinned international concerns about a program that has cast the specter of war and proliferation across the Middle East. Iran insists its program is peaceful.U.S. diplomats were positive about the Geneva talks."We not only narrowed differences and clarified those that remain, but we made significant progress in working through the approaches to this question of how one brings in a program that guarantees this peaceful nature," Kerry told reporters yesterday. "There's no question in my mind that we are closer now" to an agreement.Another round of talks in Geneva has been scheduled for Nov. 20, European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said yesterday. Political directors will negotiate issues including those France's Fabius raised, she said.Fabius said in a Nov. 9 France Inter radio interview, "We want an agreement, but not a fool's bargain." He objected to letting Iran keep building a heavy-water reactor in Arak that can produce plutonium. Nuclear weapons can be made with highly enriched uranium, which Iran is already capable of producing, or plutonium extracted from spent-fuel used in heavy water reactors.The pause in talks gives opponents in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Washington time to lobby against any deal that would allow Iran to keep sensitive nuclear technologies and to press for new economic sanctions on Iran.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he urged President Barack Obama and leaders of other countries involved in the talks to reject any deal with Iran that doesn't curb or dismantle its ability to produce a nuclear weapon."I told them that according to the information reaching Israel, the apparent deal is bad and dangerous," Netanyahu said yesterday in remarks broadcast from the weekly cabinet meeting.

