
Doctors normally advice people to avoid

you know the pain they cause and you definitely want to decrease any chance of having a repeat episode. There are medications available to help with this but there are also home remedies that work just as well and do not involve medication than can interfere with other medications you may take and your lifestyle.Kidney stones are one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract system. The kidney is responsible for removing the waste from our body in the form of urine. The urine usually contains chemicals which restrict the formation of the crystals or stones. However, in some cases stones are formed made of various combinations of the chemicals present. One of the common types of stone in kidney is the ones containing calcium. To get rid of this kidney disorder it is best to dissolve kidney stone.Urinary tract infections or kidney disorders may cause stones in kidney. If an individual has a history of stones in the family, it is likely that he or she will develop stones too. Certain type of foods may facilitate in the formation of stones in the kidney like spinach, okra, beets, peanuts, sweet potatoes and chocolate. Doctors normally advice people to avoid these foods if they have kidney stones made of calcium oxalate.Kidney stones can be rather painful when it starts to move in the urinary tract and causes the blockage of urine flow. This can cause sharp pain in the side of kidney, back or in the lower abdomen. The movement of the stone to the bladder can cause frequent urination feeling in the individual. This may also cause presence of blood in the urine, as the body tries to push the stone out. If the stone is very small in size it may pass off unknowingly without any pain. Once a person develops a stone, he or she is likely to have it again. Therefore one has to take care and the formation of stones should be prevented.Doctors may prescribe certain medications or advice to drink plenty of water and other liquids to prevent the formation of stones in kidney. Intake of plenty of liquid and water dilutes the concentration of cystine that goes into the urine.

