
Man cleared over new bride's death fall tells of his prison hell

Within 12 months of his new bride's death John Davies had moved home, lost touch with his stepchildren and claimed on a big life insurance policy.He has since got married for a fourth time... to a woman he met while his wife Colette was still alive.Add all that to police reports of discrepancies in the stories he told about her last moments on holiday in India, and it's perhaps not difficult to under-stand why he was eventually accused of killing his wife.Today he finally speaks out about his ordeal and the stigma he says will always be attached to him."Despite the charges being dropped I will forever be classed as that man who killed his wife and got away with it," he says. "That is why I am speaking out... to show people I am innocent.""I thought losing the woman I adored was the worst thing that could ever happen to me," says businessman John, 51, of Milton Keynes."But to be accused and locked up for something you haven't done is frightening. I lost 16 months of my life. Now I have lost my reputation and my business." Police say he gave differing reports to investigators in India and the UK. But John is adamant his story of that fateful day has always been the same."We were driving back to Delhi at the end of our two-week holiday," he recalls."We had stopped several times to take pictures, and on our last stop before Colette died there was a beautiful view of a village down below."Colette got out of the car and walked over to the cliff edge. She turned and asked if I had the camera and as I reached through the open car door to get it I heard the noise of the stones moving... like the sound when you jump down on to a shingle beach."I looked up and saw Colette struggling on the edge with her arms in the air. She disappeared from view, and I heard a scream."John reveals how he has been "over it a thousand times in my head". He says: "She was 30 to 40ft away when I saw her slipping. I ran and dived over the edge, expecting her to be hanging on to a ledge, but I could only see the river below.

