
Ben Meets Dennis Feinstein

Last week, the worlds-most-insufferable city councilman, Jamm, tried to sue Ron Swanson for punching him in the face at Ben and Leslie's wedding.Ron served as his own counsel and enlisted April, Andy, and Tom, to testify on his behalf. "This lawsuit is Chronicles of Ridiculous," Tom says, referencing Vin Diesel, one of his idolsThe three of them are loyal to Ron, and lie to make it look "Ronnie? Are you kidding me? I've never heard him threaten to hurt anyone or anything. The guy's like a vegetarian," April says. This also leads to an excellent montage of Ron saying he wants to punch Councilman Jamm in the face."Tom and April were excellent witnesses in my defense," Ron admits. "Unfortunately every single word out of their mouths was a lie. There's only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water that's lying about being milk." He gets them to go back in and tell the truth, even though it will hurt his case.Meanwhile, Leslie and Ben take a trip to his hometown of Partridge, Minnesota to accept the key to the city. Guest star J.K. Simmons, as the current mayor, had planned to embarrass Ben when giving him the key to the city, which is actually made out of ice. His sister is so embarrassed to be recognized by the other townspeople that she bails on the ceremony. Leslie stands by Ben and tells off the citizens of Partridge.In an increasingly insufferable storyline, Ann and Chris take a compatibility test to see if they'll succeed at raising a child together. They get a horrible score and freak out until they realize they both just want to work hard to make sure the baby has a good life. "We are 100% on the same page," Chris says. Looks like they're gonna do this thing!April, Andy, and Tom storm Jamm's office and confront him with a little research. They found 11 lies in his affidavit and threaten to sue him right back for "assaulting" Tom. Jamm agrees to drop the suit if they keep quiet. "We got Jammed," he says to his lawyer.

