
Remedies to Treat Gout Attacks

It manifests itself in the extremities of the body, particularly the feet and toes. It is caused by having too much uric acid in the bloodstream. This causes the formation of tiny sharp crystals which congregate in the joints muscles and joints. It causes swelling and inflammation which can be extremely painful. However, it is possible to cure the condition naturally by following our specially targeted diet for gout sufferers Gout home remedies have been in existence ever for a very long time - ever since rich foods were introduced into our diets. Determining the root cause of gout is not an exact science, however gout flareups are usually associated with people who eat a diet rich in purines. Overweight people also tend to be more susceptible to gout problems, but this is not always the case. Apply ice to the affected area. Do this with an on rotation. Put ice on for 30 minutes, then remove it for 30 minutes. Then put the ice back on for an additional 30 minutes. Do this ice rotationa few times a day for a couple of hours. During a gout flareup, eliminate foods that are high in purines from your diet. These foods include shellfish, organ meat and red meat. After the attack is over, re-introduce these foods gradually to ensure that they don't cause another immediate flareup. Drink Water Water has so many wonderful benefits to the human body, it is no wonder that it can be used as an effective treatment for those suffering with gout. Just as drinking water can be effective in eliminating toxins from your body, it also can help the gout sufferer reduce uric acid buildup. Drinking water can flush excessive uric acid from the body as well as being a way to prevent kidney stones, which is another potential complication from a serious gout attack. Foods to avoid with gout include foods that are high in purines. Purines are found in both plant and animal cells. When purines enter the body, they are metabolized to uric acid. For gout sufferers, the most common root cause is high levels of purines in the body, which convert to uric acid. the uric acid does not leave the body instead it moves into the joints, causing excruciating pain in many cases.

