
Although the studies say that avoiding too much milk

Today, it is still unforeseen that many people ask what causes tonsil stones. In many websites, blogs, and forums today, many still baffles about this condition. In this particular case, there are many causes of Tonsilolliths that affects older people, but in youngsters too. In fact, now so long ago, many health professionals thought that this condition is rare. However, today, many more people are coming out of the surface, and incognito, that expressed overwhelming concern.Many people suffered in silence because of the embarrassing nature of symptoms. There are thousands of Americans are affected by tonsil stones. The barrages of questions expressed in many websites are overwhelming, proving that there is more out there who are just keeping it secret. The symptoms are painful lumps in the throat, Removing them only introduces another problem choking, irritation, painful ears, and especially bad breath. Read on, and you will find shocking, as well as liberating information, as reported by oral care professionals.Is Food the Cause? Leading experts in oral health confirms that food or diet is not what causes tonsil stones. A collaboration of Chinese and American Universities reported that food itself does not cause the growth of stones, but food additives and debris. While food debris may be one of the causes of Tonsilolliths, preservatives in processes and preserved foods can aggravate the condition. In order to prevent or stop the stones from forming, choose organic and fresh foods only.Dairy product can also cause tonsil stones. Although the studies say that avoiding too much milk or dairy products can abate the development of the stones, there are no scientific bases yet. However, milk residue, mucus, bacteria, and dead skin cells constitute tonsil stones, which later calcify or harden. Furthermore, studies reveal that milk can cause the mouth to be acidic, which is a typical environment for bacteria to multiply.Is Having Good Oral Regimen the Answer?Proper oral care is one of the best efforts to prevent tonsil stones to grow.

