
The veterinarian from Baker

"We will also be ultrasounding our cows to check for pregnancy," he added.The veterinarian from Baker will come down for the work, and a few friends may help out, too, Derrick said.They are still hauling hay bales into the hay yard. In addition, they are cleaning and putting away their haying equipment including the swather, baler and rake.The company said that the equipment will be delivered to five cities in the Krasnodar region, where the public waste management companies will run the baling plants.The waste generated during the Games, will be collected and delivered to the different plants for sorting.According to Presona, sorted waste (paper, cardboard, plastics) will then be pressed into bales and will in that way be 'transformed' into a secondary raw material that can be used to produce new products.The company added that the delivery will take place during the late autumn and the equipment will be installed and ready for hand over in December 2013.After the Olympic Games, the waste handling plants will be in operation as an integrated part of the waste handling system in the Krasnodar Region. Presona also recently launched the latest in its LP Series of balers at this year's RWM exhibition in Birmingham, UK - the LP 85 VH which features a range of functions and features to enhance performance and cut life cycle costs.You may never have driven by or walked along the 500 acres of land in the Town of Eden farmed by the Kappus family.But there, you'll find a story: A story of hard work, chronic hope and tough choices the daily bread of farmers everywhere, always.It's also a story of inheritance.Of what it means to hold on to the past and how it feels to let go.If you have ever paused in the act of relinquishing something you truly love something you thought you could never live without then you know this feeling.Ken and John Kappus, brothers born 11 years apart and the third generation of Kappuses to work this century-old dairy farm are weighing hard decisions these days about their future.They know the parts of farming they love. The clean-lined look of their red barns on a sunny morning. The smells of oats and hay.

